The 2nd "Healthy China" Development Conference and the Traditional Chinese Medicine Industry-Education Integration Development Conference
In order to implement the "Healthy China" strategy and the Healthy China Action, the second "Healthy China" Development Conference and the Traditional Chinese Medicine Industry-Education Integration Development Conference will be held at Jiangsu Baima Agriculture International Expo Center in Lishui District, Nanjing City on October 11, 2020. The opening ceremony of the conference will be held at 10:00 am on October 11 and will be livestreamed by, please stay tuned!






大同县| 荔浦县| 郁南县| 高唐县| 隆化县| 花垣县| 云梦县| 襄城县| 长春市| 南郑县| 分宜县| 水富县| 南开区| 阿图什市| 镇远县| 包头市| 富裕县| 中宁县| 田东县| 河间市| 汉寿县| 当雄县| 井冈山市| 新民市| 沅陵县| 甘泉县| 旬邑县| 盈江县| 马龙县| 会昌县| 丹东市| 紫金县| 晋城| 长兴县| 云林县| 连云港市| 清流县| 静宁县| 舞钢市| 封开县|