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“Lishui, Better than Good” Wins Annual IP Portfolio Award
中國網 china.com.cn  時間: 2020-12-17

At the 2020 International Tourism Communication Awards (TC Awards) Ceremony in Bo’ao Town, Qionghai City, Hainan Province, “Lishui, Better Than Good”, submitted by Lishui District, Nanjing, became one of the 10 Chinese winners of the Annual IP Portfolio Award.

Lishui owes its IP portfolio to major events and innovations. Since the beginning of this year, Lishui has held nearly 100 major events of different types, and engaged in dozens of innovations. Some of the innovations are pioneering on a national level. Lishui also takes China’s lead in implementing the “1 + 1 + 20” model for approval, registration, and licensing. On the occasion of China International Import Expo, Lishui went one step further and presented itself to the world. Also, some local highlights are evolving into national models. For example, Lishui has given shape to the “Healthy Jiangsu” Demonstration Zone, and set a benchmark for the building of “smart city”. All these factors have worked together to earn Lishui unprecedented fame. 

文章來源:中國網 責任編輯:許汝藝
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